What is that makes DCUO so addicting? What is it that pulls me back everytime? read and find out.Art by Developer Megzilla (BoP promotional art)
I've been playing DCUO since Nov 2016.
When I started, I was sinking in fast. I loved it. I'm a DC comics fan, in a DC comic world! I was introduced to the game by a friend, and continued to play more and more. I joined a league, on the EU server, that was nice and warm for the time being. Then I met someone I consider my brother to this day, and we formed our own league. I'd love to say it went well, but it was a disaster. Honestly, leading was never my thing anyway. There was lots of ups and downs for me with DCUO, and my depression didn't help me taking it easily. So I took a lot of breaks or had lots of mental break downs that not everyone could deal with or understand. And that's more a me thing anyway.
Now I'm in a league called Rift, and honestly if it weren't to them I wouldn't be where I am today. Them and my close friends across the DCUO servers. Rift is very casual and we believe that "Life comes first" meaning we don't put DCUO as the top priority. And honestly it helps. Because it reduces the amount of time we need to put in as members, we log in when we want and play when we want. It's drama free and runs by amazing people. So league-wise I'm settled. I'm mostly focused on making styles and taking pictures of my characters (Most are original) or make tours of my bases.Art by Dev Megzilla (Promotional art for Wonderverse)
It's a great game.
Heck- what game lets me explore and play next to my favorite superheroes, in iconic locations? Exactly. It's the perfect game for a DC nerd like me.
As I grew in here and learned more about DCUO,
I've made my decision to create the Gotham Gazette. A news & guides fan website for DCUO. I love working on it so much, It's like my way of giving back to the game that gives me so much and It's wonderful. I love writing about the lore of the game, do some feats guides and mainly let people know what's going on.
My favorite Episode? Amazon Fury. No doubt. Cause one, I can play as Wonder Woman. And two, It's the most fun trilogy (and only, I believe) in the game. I love Sons of Trigon too, Wonderverse and BoP.
My favorite DC character? Well, everyone who knows me know. Donna Troy. And she finally got remodeled and we got her style- so what more can I ask?
The interactions with the Devs. It's nice to get noticed from time to time, to feel appreciated as a player of the game. Very grateful for it of course. I think I got to the point where I felt like I was asking for too much, so I don't really want to be a bother. I respect them a lot, though.
So far,
I find the game something I always come back to and can't get away from. I love DCUO, I hope it stays around for years honestly. I know I had a lot of hard times but it was worth it, honestly. DCUO is celebrating It's 10th Birthday soon! So I can't wait to see what they have in store for us. I've been playing for five years. Damn. For five more, and more.