1 min read
04 Oct

Each month we will focus on a different content creators. The unicorns of love (SophieFatalTV's league and community) will get together along with the Gazette to support starting streamers and YouTubers, or any type of content creators for DCUO.

We want to start with Rouge_Kitty_Kat!
Rouge lives in Australia, and just recently started streaming DC Universe Online with her Husband. They both also run a YouTube channel, which is 17 followers away from 1,000! Which is a big number and will help them a lot if you Sub! On their YouTube channel, Rogue and her Husband Doing react videos to trailers and more. They call it "Chattabox".

Here's an example to get you excited:

The moment Rouge got raided and Joined the Unicorns!

- Rouge's YouTube Channel!
- Rogue's Twitch Channel!
- Chattabox Twitter Page!

She just started streaming too, sitting at 52 followers as we write this. Affiliated at last! Keep dropping those follows on her and support her because she is amazing and will add so much joy to the community, and will be a positive figure in it (she is already!) And you will enjoy watching her mostly if you are new to the game yourself and want to figure out things with her!

Subscribe on YouTube, and Follow on Twitch and Twitter, It's free, and you will have tons of fun!

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