Batwoman (Also known as Kate Kane) is Bruce Wayne's Cousin. She was first seen in 52 #7 (August 2006) as Kate Kane, and as Batwoman in 52 #11, September 2006. She was created by Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid and Keith Giffen.
In DC Universe Online, she is voiced by Christina J. Moore. Batwoman was inspired by the legend of the Batman. There is various content that she appears in, including earlier content of the game:
1. She appears in the Gotham Sewers mission, heroes join her to defeat scarecrow.
2. She appear in level 23 Intergang mission, where she is captured and you have to rescue her.
3. She is a quest giver in East End Police station, she hands the Bane mission.
4. She is a bounty in Gotham Under Siege for villains
5. She is a quest giver in Riddled with Crime, and helps the players in the alert\raid.
6. She is a quest giver in Chaos Gotham (Justice League Dark) and also appears in the raids.
7. Heroes have to fight Batwoman as she is infected with the OMAC Virus in Batcave: Outer Caverns raid.
8. She randomly appears in the Tier 3 duo "Police Station" as an mini boss for villains.
9. In the witching hour event, you need to look for Batwoman around Gotham City to complete the feat "13 Days of Darkness".
10. She was remodeled at 2018 Witching Hour Event.
11. She appears as Kate Kane in the Iceberg Lounge solo, and you can talk to her when VIP area is open.
12. She is a random boss in the mission Make Them Mad for villains.
13. She appears in anniversary event gift, bombshell framed photo
14. She appears in the Metal part II Batscape duo, as a mini boss along side other batfamily members.Inspired Items:
1. Batwoman's Mask
2. Batwoman's cape
3. Bombshell Batwoman Poster
4. Batwoman's T-shirt (Vault Drop)