Catwoman first debuted in Batman #1 (Spring 1940), and in DCUO she is voiced by Kelley Huston.
Here is all the content she appears in and the items inspired by her:Old Model
1. Catwoman appears in the Gotham University Warehouse solo, on duty or open world mission. She is a boss for heroes and
at first the heroes needs to aid her.
2. Catwoman is a playable character in Legends PvP and PvE, and has a Bombshell Skin.
3. Catwoman appears in the Bombshell Paradox episode, and she either fights other NPC's or need to be rescued.
4. Parallel Catwoman appears in Family Reunion Aiding evil Batman.
5. She appears as Impassioned Catwoman in the Zamaron Conversion Chamber alert.
6. She is a bounty for heroes in Gotham Under Siege (Amazon fury II).
7. Catwoman aids players in Batcave: Inner Sanctum.
8. Catwoman needs to be rescued in Iceberg Lounge.
9. Catwoman is a quest giver for villains and gives the Mission to take on Bane in leveling missions.
10. In Harley's Heist, Catwoman aids the players in rescuing Bruce Wayne.
11. She appears as a mini boss in Metal Part II Batscape duo.
12. She got textured in Birds of Prey, Episode 37
13. She is a boss for heroes in The Clocktower Raid alongside Ivy
14. She is a quest giver for villains in Birds of Prey, Episode 37
15. She aids villains in the solo\raids of Episode 37, Birds of Prey
Old Model
Inspired Items:
1. Catwoman's Claw Trinket
2. Catwoman's Googles
3. Whip Belt
4. Burgle Pants
5. Catwoman Emblem\Enhanced
6. Daring Vigilante Style
7. Bombshell Catwoman PvP\PvE Skin
8. Catwoman Legend PvP\PvE