The Flash (Barry Allen) first appeared in Flash Comics #1 (January 1940) and was created by Gardner Fox and Harry Lampert. In DC Universe Online, he is voiced by Dwight Schultz.
Flash appears in various content, such as:
1) he's a quest giver in the leveling missions for Superman Mentored Players. He gives the mission "Something's Abuzz" to heroes.
2) The first mission for Superman Mentored heroes is stopping Gorilla Grodd, known enemy of The Flash. You need to free The Flash and help him take down Grodd.
3) In the Gorilla Grodd's Laboratory, you and your partner (Heroes) team up with him to take on Zoom and Grodd.
4) Flash can be found in the Hangar at the Watch Tower.
5) Flash designed all the races across Metropolis and Gotham.
6) Flash is a bounty for villains.
7) In The Flash's Speed-Treads, Villains must defeat Flash and Jay Garrick.
8) Hopeful Flash is a Bounty for Villains in War of The Light part I DLC.
9) Flash is granting a weekly quest in Earth 3 Gotham.
10) There is a Pre-made Template in character creation of Flash.
11) Flash is Playable for LPvE and LPvP.
12) In Mental Manifestations version of the Stabilizer Duo, Illusion of the Flash appears.
13) Controlled Flash is a possible boss for the Starro Invasion alert.
14) The Flash can be found battling Starro Conqueror at Central City Starro Deluge Zone.
15) The Flash Also appears in the Anti-Monitor Event.
16) The Flash grants players special speed power in Central City open world in order to save Citizen. (Also grants a quest)
17) Barry Allen Appears in the Flashback Duo and need to be saved so he can become The Flash.
18) Flash Appears in Metal Part II duo in a cutscene where he and Batman becomes Red Death.
19) Flash is one of the mind controlled opponents for heroes in The Demon's Pit duo.
20) In Metal Part I solo, Flash is trapped on the treadmill by Red Death.
21) Flash Talks on the coms when receiving the Flashpoint mission for the first time.
22) Flash is a Quest giver in Flashpoint open world.
23) Flash assists players in the Flashtastic Voyage raid.
24) Flash turns into boss Nightmare Flash in Flashtastic Voyage Raid.Inspired Items:
1) Enhanced and Regular Flash Emblem
2) Flash Museum Balloon Base Item
3) Central City Postcard Wall Base Item (During Extra Life Event)
4) High Voltage Suit
5) Future Flash Cowl (Flashpoint Time Capsule)
6) Flash Cowl (Market Place)
7) Legends PvE\PVP Character
8) Flash shop base items from Metal part I
9) Flash Logo T-shirts regular and enhanced (Flash Appreciation week)
10) Speed-Force Spectrum Suit\Enhanced
11) Flash Museum base Items pack on Market Place
12) Flash Boots - Drops from Flashback Duo
13) Flash T-shirt drops from the Vault
14) Flash Boxers drops from the vault
15) Flash Statue + Large
16) Flash Statue Covered + Large
17) Flash Merch Display
18) Flashpoint Flash (Enhanced + Regular) Emblem
19) Flashpoint "Speedster" inspired style from Anniversary event.