Hawkgirl first appeared in Flash Comics #1 January 1940. In DCUO, she is voiced by Lana Lesley.
She was created as Shayera by Gardner Fox, Dennis Neville and Sheldon Moldoff. And by James Robinson & David Goyer as Kendra.
Hawkgirl in the world of DCUO is now Shay-era Hall, previously Kendra Saunders. And she appears in various content such as:Old model1. Heroes save Hawkgirl in Watchtower Containment Facility alert.
2. Hawkgirl is a vendor in Meta Wing.
3. Hawkgirl & Hawkman are a bounty for villains in Metropolis.
4. Hawkgirl & Hawkman are a boss for villains in the JSA Safehouse part of the second Lantern mission for villains.
5. Hawkgirl teams up with the players in the first piece duo and faces Hawkman.
6. Players will face Corrupted Hawkgirl in the Corrupted Zamaron Duo.
7. in JFA raid, players need to Save and free Hawkgirl.
8. She appears briefly in the Prison Break raid.
9. She appears briefly in Rip in Time alert.
10. In Metal Part II, Plays will go to Thanagar Open world to assist Hawkgirl.
11. Hawkgirl is a quest giver (And daily event mark giver) on Thanagar in Metal Part II.
12. Hawkgirl got remodeled alongside Hawkman in Metal Part II.
13. Players will have to fight infected Hawkgirl in the Phoenix Cannon raid, and free her from Barbatos Influence.
14. Hawkgirl will assist players during both raids of Metal Part II.old model
Inspired styles by her (Also by Hawkman):
1. Nth-Metal Battle Suit
2. Thanagrian Tomahawk (Duel Wield style)
3. Spiked Mace (Duel Wield style)
4. Hawk Wings (Back style)
5. Thanagrian Helm
6. Battle Harness cheststyle
7. Enhanced\Thanagrian Emblem
8. Bombshell Hawkgirl Poster
9. Lady Blackhawk(girl) Capsule gear style
10. Thanagrian Champion Helemet