Mera first appeared in Aquaman #11 (September 1963). In DC Universe Online, she is voiced by Deena Hyatt.
She appears in various content, such as:
1. In the condemned shipping office leveling mission (Level 27) Circe pretends to be Mera at most of the instance, and at the end Circe summoned her,
and the hero together with Aquaman and Martian Manhunter save her. During the open world quests It is told that Mera is commending the War.
2. In the Valentines Day event of 2018, Mera got remodeled to her current rebirth look. Also a special mission was added and she is It's quest giver.
3. In Central City Deluge, Mera is a quest giver, and appears alongside the hero in the Steaming the tide solo, where she appears to ask for help,
and then helps the hero to fight Ocean Master. She also appears in the Spindrift station raid, and assisting the players.
4. For villains, in Steaming the tide solo, Ocean Master and the villain will fight Mera.
5. In Atlantis content, she assists the player in the solo alongside Ocean Master.
6. She is also a daily quest-giver in Atlantis open world.Inspired items:
1. Mera Rebirth suit (The gear in the vendor of Deluge episode).
2. DC Designer series; Aquaman & Mera by Pat Gleason, Wall and big statue.
3. Ocean Queen Hairstyle (Mera's hairstyle)