Justice League Dark, DCUO's 34th Episode, launched on March 28th, 2019.
This episode was full of magic, character remodels and lots of fun content.
An otherworldly daemonic entity looms over Gotham City, threatening to devour all of existence. Join John Constantine, Zatanna, Shazam, and a cabal of powerful magic-users to fight back the Devourer! Journey to iconic magical locations, including Shazam's Rock of Eternity, A.R.G.U.S.' fabled Black Room, the House of Mystery, and Limbo Town.
This episode contains various content:
· Open world missions.
· JLD: Pub Crawl Duo
· Darkness Rising Alert
· JLD: Fellowship of the Arcane raid
· JLD: Shattered Gotham
The episode came with Etrigan inspired gear set, and enhanced version of that gear for elite. Event gear was inspired by A.R.G.U.S, and had an elite version dropping from Membership ownerboxes. It came with plenty of base items, and some remodels too! OP Back, And, of course, additional rewards at bonus weekends such as Zatanna's hair and chest style. For more information regards the Justice League Dark rewards, head here.Image provided by the developers
Image Provided by the Developers
Screenshot from SJ's (The Creative Director) twitter