Today we decided to treat you with a special article. A look at most of the in-game materials, And where and how to get them.
The Materials are another tab in your style inventory that lets you equip up to three materials and cover your current style with unique colors, it looks like this:
Time Capsules materials:
Part #1:
Chrome Material -
How to get:
1) The collection is in the Notorious time capsules. These can be found on broker\or trade with another player.
Forcefield material -
1) The collection can be found in the Paradox Time Capsule. These can be found on broker\or trade with another player.
Dark Knights Capsule:
Each has 3 variants.1) Red Metal Chroma
2) Purple Metal Chroma
3) Blue Metal Chroma
4) Bronze Metal Chroma5) Dark Metal Chroma
6) Green Metal Chroma
9) Dark Multiverse Time Capsule:
Rare drop - Neon Material Pack that includes either white or Black neon chromas (You have to choose)
The material is colorable (The blue parts seen in the image are the colorable parts)
10) Oracle's Time Capsule:
Rare Drop - Harlequin Material
11) Flashpoint Time Capsule - Madness Material (Collection)
Market Place Materials:
Royal Chroma Materials
Those were given on Anniversary event and can be found on the market place.
1) Gold
2) Silver
3) Bronze
How to get:
1) Buy the pack directly on market place. "Champion's Pack".
4) Iridescent (Members Gift, can buy on Market Place)
Vendor materials:
Quarks Vendor Materials:
1) Stealth Material
2) Blue Smoke Material
3) Opalescent Material
Events Materials:
1) April Fools Power Unicorn material
Old Materials that you can't get anymore:
1) Cosmic (booster bundle)Image provided by Soul_Draws
2) Powerset Materials (Some can be found on broker, but very rare)
Temporal (Quantum):
Terrestrial (Earth):
Enigmatic (Mental):
Scorching (Fire):
Arctic (Ice):
Mechanized (Gadgets):
Surging (Water):
Sparking (Electricity):
Glorious (Celestial):
Mystical (Sorcery):
Wicked (Celestial):
Watchful (Munitions):
Nuclear (Atomic):
Glowing (Green Lantern):
Sinister (Yellow Lantern):
Furious (Rage Lantern):
3) Hacker Material (booster bundle)
4) Liquid Material (booster bundle)
5) Metallic Chrome Materials
1) Red Metallic Chroma
2) Blue Metallic Chroma3) Purple Metallic Chroma
6) Powerset Chroma Materials
All Powerset Chroma materials can be seen in this article:
7) Neon Materials in Mega CapsuleOrange Hex, Purple Hex, Iridescent, Green Hex
Camo, Red Vinyl, Blue Vinyl, Arctic Camo
Black Composite, Pearl, Red Composite, Blue Composite
Electrum, Steel, Golden, Quartz Note we will add more images as we have more of other materials. Enjoy the article!