Black Canary first appeared in Justice League of America #219, October 1983. In DCUO, she is voiced by Kelley Huston.
She appears in various DCUO content, such as:
old model1. She is a bounty alongside Green Arrow in Gotham for Villains.
2. She aids heroes in Smallvile Map in Legends PvE and PvE.
3. Hopeful Black Canary is a bounty for villains in Metropolis Battle Zone.
4. In the Deluge alert, Black Canary is mind controlled by Starro.
5. Black Canary appears in the Scarecrow mission\on duty instance as a Phantom.
6. In one of the stabilizer duo event instances, Black Canary is one of the Mental Phantasms Gorilla Grodd spawns.
7. She aids heroes in various PvP maps.
8. She aids heroes in the demon's plan alert.
9. For villains, in the Family Reunion alert, Black Canary appears as a random boss.
10. For villains, in Harley's heist, she appears as a boss.
11. For heroes, she might be a random boss controlled by Ivy in Harley's heist.
12. She appears on one of Home Turfs Arkham Asylum missions.
13. She got remodeled in Birds of Prey, Episode 37
14. She is a weekly quest giver in Episode 37, Birds of Prey
15. She appears is solo and raids to aid players (Episode 37, Birds of Prey)
Inspired items:
1. Goth Leggings
2. Goth Tights
3. Sonic Cry (Iconic power)
4. Sonic Shout (Iconic Power)