This version of Cheetah first appeared in Minerva: Wonder Woman (vol. 2) #7 (August 1987). She was created by Len Wein and George Pérez. In DCUO, she is voiced by Adrienne Mischler.Here is all the content Cheetah appears in:
1. Cheetah is a vendor for villains in the Magic Wing of The Hall of Doom.
2. She is a playable character for Legends PvE and PvP.
3. She is a bounty for heroes in Gotham Under Siege.
4. She is one of the bosses in the last mission for heroes mentored by Superman, that appears in the Hall of Doom.
5. Avaricious Cheetah is the Orange Lantern version of Cheetah that appears in the Spark of Ion Duo.
6. Cheetah is falling under Jacob's spell and defends him from the heroes in the tunnel of lust.
7. Cheetah can be found in the Oblivion Bar.
8. Cheetah is a random boss in the Shady Nightclub Duo.
9. Cheetah is a daily mission giver in Gotham Wastelands.
10. In Wonderverse, players need to locate Cheetah 9 times for a feat and a title.
11. Cheetah got refreshed n Episode 42, Legion of Doom.
12. Cheetah is a open world bounty in Episode 42, Legion of Doom.
Image by mermaid from official DCUO ForumsInspired items by Cheetah:
1. Playable Legend for PvE\PvP.