There are many characters in the game, and in the DC world in general, and I decided to focus on my favorite, Donna Troy. Donna Troy first appeared in the Brave and the Bold #60. She is Wonder Woman's Sister, owner of the silver lasso of Persuasion. She's also known as Dark Star, Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl and Troia. In DCUO, She is voiced by Deena Hyatt.
Though so far DCUO's Donna was based on the classic one, she is going to be remodeled and have her Rebirth look.
Donna appears in many of DCUO's content such as:
1. The leveling mission of Raven's Story line, possessed by Raven (Which is possessed by Trigon) for heroes,
or the first boss fight for villains in the science police station.
2. She is a vendor in watch tower. You can buy gear from her.
3. Donna Troy is a playable legend for LPvP and LPvE.
4. She appears in the tunnel of lust as a boss for villains.
5. She is a bounty for villains in Metropolis. You collect the bounty in Central City.
6. She is a bounty for villains in Gotham Under Siege. The mission is random.
7. She appears as Controlled By Starro in Deluge alert.
8. She appears as a random bounty in Metal Part I
9. Donna appears in Family Reunion and villains can track her and take her down.
10. Donna appears randomly as opponent in the Police Station duo for villains.
11. In Judas Contract, one of the times you fight the H.I.V.E master, he will use Donna's Lasso.
12. As a magic villain, at a later mission you need to fight Donna in order for Trigon to possess her.
13. Donna got a new model in Wonderverse.
14. In Long Live The Legion, She appears are an illusion in the raid.
In game items
1. Donna Troy Banner (Titans The Judas Contract Episode drop)
2. Troia inspired gear (Metal Part I, Event purple gear)
3. Legends character (Playable in legends pve\pvp)Metal Part 1 Event purple gear, Inspired by Troia