The Martian Manhunter, also known as J'ohn J'onzz, is the last son of mars and an important member of the justice league. He was created by Joseph Samachson (writer) and Joe Certa (Artist). He first appeared in Detective Comics #225, Nov 1955. In DC Universe Online, he was voiced by Dwight Schultz, and was replaced in Metal Part II by another voice actor.He appears in various content, such as:
1. He aids the players against Circe and Aquaman in the leveling mission, and also gives them the missions (Heroes only).
2. Unyielding Martian Manhunter is a bounty for villains.
3. In brothers in arms, he is a random boss.
4. Corrupted Martian Manhunter is a boss alongside Corrupted Solomon Grundy in the Blackest Night raid.
5. In the Starro alert, he is one of the possible mind-controlled bosses.
6. He guides the players through the free to play alerts (Such as Area 51).
7. He appears in Watch tower in the monitor womb, next to Huntress.
8. He is a weekly quest giver in Thanagar open world (Metal Part II).
9. There is a pre-made template of him in character creation.
10. He is one of the heroes who's fighting the Big Starro invader in Central City Deluge open world.
11. He is one of the heroes that fights the Anti-monitor.
12. He instructs heroes and Villains via communications in the Legion of Doom Episode.
13. He gives a daily mark in Legion of Doom - Washington D.C Open world
14. He aids players in the "The One Who Waits" Alert from Legion of Doom.
15. He got refreshed with Episode 42, Legion of Doom.Inspired Items:
1. Martian Manhunter Hoodie (Vault)
2. Ma'aleca'andra Hunter Gear Style (Legion of Doom Vendor)