Oracle first appeared in Secret Origins Vol 2 #20 (November, 1987). In DCUO, she is voiced by Kathy Catmull.
She appears in:
1. Oracle appears through out the game more than any other hero. Most of the time, she appears on comlinks and direct heroes
to their missions. Episodes & seasonals.
2. She takes control of the Oracle-bot in Birds of Prey and use it to help heroes and villains fight Lex Luthor.
3. Oracle herself can be seen (not completely) in the last boss room of Clock Tower. She is completely black though,
But "Sitting" on a chair behind the window.
4. Oracle introduce players to The Watch Tower and Bases.
5. Oracle free players from Brainiac's ship and guides them to their way out>
6. There is a ORCL vendor in Birds of Prey Metropolis.
7. In the Metal part II duo (Batscape) there is a scene that talks about her getting shot, basically the killing joke reference.
8. Oracle aids players in the ally quest against The Batman Who laughs (Episode 41)
9. Oracle is a ally for heroes and can be purchased by Villains as well.
10. Oracle is a quest giver in the Anniversary event open world.
11. New heroes have to speak to Oracle when they start their missions in the safehouse.In - Items inspired by Oracle:
1. Oracle Enhanced and Regular Emblem
2. Oracle gear (Prophetic gear).
3. ORCL Holographic keyboard base item
4. Oracle's Time Capsule
5. ORCL Motherboard base item
6. ORCL Quantum Processor (Catalyst, BoP)
7. ORCL Server Tower Base Item
8. ORCL Server Mainframe base Item
9. ORCL Superconductor (Catalyst)
10. ORCL Uplink Device
11. Oracle Ally