Raven first appeared in DC Comics present #26, and was created by Marv Wolfman and artist George Pérez. In DCUO, she is voiced by the talented Adriene Mischler.Raven appears in various DCUO content, and here's a breakdown of it:
1. For magic heroes (Mentored by Wonder Woman) your second mission is to rescue the Titans from Raven, and fight her evil-self in her soul-self. If you are not mentored by Wonder Woman, you can pick the mission from Zatanna in Chinatown.
2. Raven is a Bounty in Gotham, to access the bounty you need to own Lightning strikes Episode.
3. Metal Raven is a bounty in Metal Part I
4. Raven's good soul projection is a bounty for villains in Gotham Wastelands.
5. Raven's Evil soul projection is a bounty for heroes in Gotham Wastelands.
6. Raven aids the players in the Desecrated Cathedral alert.
7. Raven aids the players in the Unholy Matrimony raid.
8. Raven got remodeled in game update 99
9. Raven aids players fighting against Brother Blood along side Zatanna and Doctor Fate in the leveling mission.
10. Magic Villains will get a mission where they are tasked to defeat Raven in leveling mission.
11. Raven is a vendor in Magic Wing.
12. In the Witching Hour event, Klarion is using Raven's powers against the player.
13. Raven is a mission giver on Titans Island.
14. Raven is one of the titans the Hive Master is using her powers against the players in the Machine Raid.
15. In the Deep Desires solo, Raven will talk to you when you start the mission.
16. In Episode 39 Long Live The Legion, Raven aids players in the open world.
She also appears as an illusion summoned by Saturn Girl during the Validus boss fight.Related Items:
1. Raven's Soulmask
2. Raven's Enhanced and Regular Emblem
3. Prideful set style (Inspired by the new 52 Raven style)
4. Raven banner
5. Bombshell Raven Poster
6. Dark Raven Enhanced and Regular Gear (Teen Titans Time Capsule)
7. Raven's Forehead Gem style (Teen Titans Time Capsule)
8. Feathered Cowl (Open 15 Teen Titans Time Capsules)
9. Feathers Aura (Teen Titans Time Capsule)
10. Pixeled Raven enhanced and regular Emblem (Teen Titans Time Capsule)