Welcome to Sky's guide for Free To Play!
Let's start with this video right here, made by Zoe, that will give you all the information
regards which content is completely free to play:
Beside the content itself, there are a few things you should know getting into the game.
We got a whole new revamped Tutorial:
Universal Messaging System
During your time leveling, you might notice some messages poping on your screen,
telling you how to do some things like block, turn on fast movement and tells you about
latest events (Episode or Event, like the current one - Summer Event). It is the new QoL
change called "Universal Messaging System".
An example of this QoL change:Example of the new Universal Messaging System
Couple changes to note:
Navigation Diamond
The Navigation Diamond will show you exactly where to go, pointing you at the direction,
and showing you how much left to get there. Really useful if you are on a mission and lost
on where to go.